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Garden Essentials
Plants Maintenance
Chrysanthemum Flowering Plant "Yellow"
Chrysanthemum Flowering Plant "Red"
Ivy Geranium House Plant (Pink-White)
Ixora Flower plant (Pink) or Jungle Geranium
Ixora Flower plant (Yellow) or Jungle Geranium
Ivy Geranium House Plant (White)
Guzmania Lingulata Bromeliad Plant
Dendrobium Orchid Plant 'Yellow-White'
Dendrobium Orchid Plant 'White'
Dendrobium Orchid Plant 'Pink-White'
Dendrobium Orchid Plant 'Pink'
Balsam (Gulmehndi)
Anthurium 'White' Indoor Plant
Anthurium 'Red' Indoor Plant
Guzmania Bromeliads (Red) Plant
Guzmania Bromeliads (Orange) Plant
Fittonia Albivenis (Pink Angel)
Guzmania Bromeliads (Pink) Plant
Euphorbia milii f. Lurea ( Red Crown of Thorns)
Euphorbia milii f. Lurea ( Pink Crown of Thorns)