Aloe Haworthioides Plant
Product Inclusions
Aloe Haworthioides Plant – 1 pc
Grower Black – 1 pc
About Plant- Aloe haworthioides is a small, stemless, fast-growing, succulent plant, up to 4 inches (10 cm) tall, with dense rosettes of fleshy, lance-shaped leaves. Each dark green leaf is covered with soft, bright white, hairy spines. It bears terminal racemes, up to 12 inches (30 cm) long, of tubular, orange flowers with projecting stamens. It is one of the longest recorded herbal medicines in human history. It is amongst the most widely used plants for traditional medicinal purposes worldwide.
Aloe Haworthioides Plant Care
Aloe haworthioides plant frequently grown as ornamental plants both in pots and in gardens.
Light- When growingAloes indoors, place your plants near a southern or southwest-facing window that gets plenty of bright, indirect light. To keep your Aloes looking green, avoid exposing them to direct sun, which can cause leaves to brown. Rotate the pots once or twice a week so that all sides of the plants receive equal lighting. Rotating your Aloe also helps balance out the look of the plant, as leaves tend to grow toward the sunlight.
Outdoors, provide light shade, especially during the hottest parts of the day. An excellent spot for growing Aloe outdoors is on a covered patio or porch.Soil- Plant Aloes in a well-drained soil specially formulated for cacti and other succulents or make your soil mix. Drainage is essential because too much moisture around roots can cause root rot.
Temperature- When temperatures shift below 50 °F (10 °C), it is time to bring your plants back inside. Maintain a room temperature above 60 °F (15 °C) and do not expose the plants to temperatures below freezing. Some Aloes are cold hardy down to USDA hardiness zone 10a, 30 °F (-1.1 °C). Once the threat of frost has passed, move them back outside in the spring.
Watering- These succulents do need regular watering but are very tolerant of drought conditions for short periods. Water deeply, but only when the soil is dry. Cut back on watering during the winter months. Overwatering is the top reason Aloe plants die. Do not let water stand in the rosettes.
Fertilizing- Aloes generally do not require fertilizer but may benefit from the extra nutrients. Feed with a fertilizer for cacti and other succulents in spring and summer only. Be sure to follow label directions.