Chinese Croton (Excoecaria cochinchinensis) Plant
Product Inclusions
Chinese Croton Plant - 1 pc
Grower Black – 1 pc
About Plant- Excoecaria cochinchinensis (Chinese croton, blindness tree, buta buta, jungle fire plant) is a species of plant in the genus Excoecaria, which is a member of the family Euphorbiaceae. It is native to Southeast Asia and China.
Excoecaria cochinchinensis Plant Care
Light- A bright diffused light or a light penumbra is needed. Preferably the content in bright light: the direct sun in the morning and shading during the day on hot sunny days. In winter, it is desirable to keep on the southern window.
Soil- The substrate must be loose, permeable and fertile, for example, from leaf land, sand and peat in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. pH in the range of 4.5-5.5.
Water- Regular watering is required as the surface layers of the soil dry out. In summer, depending on the temperature, it should be more frequent, in winter – less often, when the soil has dried to half the depth.
Temperature- In summer, a high temperature of +77 to +86 ° F and high humidity are preferable. In winter, the temperature should be slightly lower (+ 57.2-64.4 ° F), the plant can withstand short-term frosts even up to 24.8 ° F.
Humidity- It is desirable to have high humidity and regular spraying, especially in hot conditions.
Fertilizer- During the growth period, every 2 weeks use a full mineral fertilizer. However, an excess of nitrogen can lead to a weakening of the color variability of the leaves.
Propagation- Propagate by semi-woody cuttings and air layers.