Hibiscus flowering plant (All colors)
Product detail -
Hibiscus flowering plant - 1 pcs
Black grower pot - 1 pcs
About Plant - If you are looking for a plant that boasts dramatic, vibrant flowers, you may want to consider tropical hibiscus.
Plant Care-
Light- While you may assume that a tropical plant like the hibiscus loves the sun, it's more nuanced than that.
Soil- If you're growing your hibiscus plant in a container, use a well-drained potting mix as the soil, preferably one formulated for tropical plants. Outdoors, your soil should have lots of organic matter.
Water- Tropical hibiscus is a thirsty plant and will thrive and produce blossoms only if it is given enough water. Depending on the heat, wind, and humidity in your environment.
Temperature and Humidity- The tropical hibiscus plant prefers average temperatures between 55 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
Fertilizer- When you buy a potted hibiscus, it likely has a slow-release fertilizer mixed into the soil, so it will not require additional feeding in the first few months. After that, regular feeding with a diluted fish emulsion fertilizer will keep it blooming vigorously.