Moon Cactus or Ruby Ball Cactus (Grafted Pink) Plant
Product Inclusions
Moon Cactus or Ruby Ball Cactus (Grafted Pink)- Plant– 1 pc
Grower Black – 1 pc
About Plant- The ruby ball cactus, also known as the pink cap cactus, is a grafted specimen. The colorful pink top (the sicon) is Gymnocalycium mihanovichii) (the name refers to the flower buds bearing no hair or spines). The lower green cactus host portion can be any number of species, but is usually a Hylocereus cactus. The main job of the lower cactus is to display the Gymnocalycium at an advantageous height.
If you can grow cacti and succulents successfully, you can likely grow the ruby ball cactus without too much trouble. These plants are popular in cactus dish gardens.
Ruby Ball Cactus Plant Care
The ruby ball is an albino plant, which means it has no chlorophyll. Therefore, it relies on the rootstock cactus as a food source. There is a parasitic relationship between the upper and lower portions, and if there is an incompatibility between the needs of the host cactus on the bottom and the scion on top, one or both may die.
Light- By contrast, the stock green cacti on the bottom are often light-lovers. Look for a bright area, but not so bright that the color of the top begins to wash out.
Soil- A rich, fast-draining cactus mix with a low pH is ideal. .
Water- Allow the soil mix to become nearly dry between waterings, but then water thoroughly. During the summer months, the plant might need frequent watering, especially if it has been moved outside.
Temperature and Humidity- Ideal conditions for the rootstock and the upper sicon portion may not be the same. The upper ruby ball scion is hardy in USDA plant hardiness zones 11 through 12. These plants will not survive temperatures lower than 30 degrees.
Fertilizer- You do not need to regularly fertilize your ruby ball cactus plant, but you should dose it with a cactus fertilizer every month during its growing season (April to September). Suspend feeding during the dormant winter period.
Potting and Repotting- Repot as needed, preferably during the warm season.