Nephrolepis exalta, Boston Fern
Product Inclusions
Nephrolepis exalta, Boston Fern – 1 pc
Grower Black – 1 pc
About Plant- Nephrolepis exaltata, known as the sword fern or Boston fern. Boston fern, a well-known fern that has been long admired for its desirable traits as a houseplant. Boston ferns are attractive specimens with long, graceful fronds bedecked with tiny leaves. It is a relatively tough, easy to propagate fern that has a higher tolerance for light and dry conditions than other species. An added bonus is that Boston ferns can be displayed in any number of ways, including on pedestals, in hanging baskets, as part of a grouping, or as lush specimen plants on the right windowsill.
Nephrolepis exalta, Boston Fern Care
Light- The Boston fern needs bright indirect light when grown indoors (outdoors, it prefers partial shade).
Soil- Boston ferns need a loamy, rich, organic mixture as a potting soil. Make sure the drainage is good to avoid rotting the roots.
Water- It is important to keep the root ball moist at all times. If your Boston fern is sitting in a somewhat dry area (instead of humid), mist with water frequently to keep moist.
Temperature and Humidity- These ferns can survive the occasional blast of cold, down to 50 degrees Fahrenheit or even slightly colder for a few hours. However, they really thrive between 60 and 75 degrees. Boston fern grown indoors prefers humidity no lower than 80 percent.
Fertilizer- During the growing season, feed the fern with liquid or slow-release pellets.
Potting and Repotting- In the spring, you should repot into fresh compost, even if your Boston fern hasn't outgrown its pot. Common signs that a plant needs repotting include overcrowding and wilting leaves.
Propagating Boston Fern- Boston ferns are very easy plants to propagate—simply divide the plant while repotting in the spring. Even very small divisions will root if care is taken with them (meaning plenty of warmth and humidity).