Polyscias Fruticosa or Variegated Ming Aralia Plant
Product Inclusions
Polyscias Fruticosa or Variegated Ming Aralia Plant– 1 pc
Grower black – 1 pc
About Plant- Variegated Ming Aralia plant is a very beautiful indoor plant & can be kept outdoor also. It forms a bushy football-like shape. It can be given different shapes by cutting it. This plant can survive years & years.
Its ferny, feathery foliage droops from graceful narrow branches that grow straight up in mature plants to form a many-layered, complex plant. A Variegated Ming aralia grows slowly but can reach over 6 feet in height. You can also use this plant for bonsai if you want an exotic miniature.
Variegated Ming Aralia Plant Care
Light- The V. Ming aralia likes bright, indirect light. It can handle light shade.
Water- Keep the plant moist in growing season, and cut back to watering every other week in the winter. High humidity is essential, so provide plenty of humidity year-round.
Temperature-This plant likes it warm, between 55 F and 60 F in the winter. Avoid cold, dry drafts.
Soil- Rich, loose potting media is best.
Fertilizer- Use liquid fertilizer throughout the growing period, or pellets in the spring.
Propagation- The V. Ming aralia can be propagated through cuttings. Take green-stem cuttings and use a rooting hormone for best success.
Repotting- Repot annually as needed, or every other year. A mature V. Ming aralia can reach 6 feet or higher in optimal conditions, so repot it less often if you want to keep the plant smaller.