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Sempervivum arachnoideum (Cobweb Houseleek)

Sempervivum arachnoideum (Cobweb Houseleek)

₹299.00 Regular Price
₹254.15Sale Price


Product Inclusions

Sempervivum arachnoideum (Cobweb Houseleek)– 1 pc


  • About Plant- Sempervivum arachnoideum is a beautiful succulent beacause it forms a mat of tight rosettes of green or reddish leaves with white cobweby hairs at the tips. It is also known as Cobweb Houseleek, Cobweb Hens and Chicks, Cobweb Sedum, and Cebenese. Sempervivum arachnoideum blooms excessively from mid to late summer when fancy pink flowers dominate over the short, fleshy foliage.


    Sempervivum arachnoideum (Cobweb Houseleek) Care


    Light- Cobweb Houseleek likes full sun to light shade.


    Hardiness zones- USDA hardiness zone 5a - 8b. 


    Temperature- Cobweb houseleek tolerates temperatures down to -25° degrees Fahrenheit (-32° C).


    Soil- Cobweb Houseleek needs excellent fast-draining soil because waterlogged is a cause of root rot. The ideal soil pH should be between 6 to 8.


    Water- It needs regular watering in the growing season, and check the soil to dry out before watering again. Put very little water in winter. 

    Fertilizer- The plant doesn’t need feeding, but repotting it in well-draining succulent potting soil containing compost mixed with a slow-release fertilizer ensures a long and healthy plant life.